
Jungle Tour Bus – 1908

The Jungle Tour Bus is full of characters.

The unlikely duo of Benson (the Burd) & Hedges (the Crock) lead the tour with lots of other creatures to amuse us. Detail is everywhere in this cartoon. Look closely and you will find smaller creatures everywhere. Even the bus lights have glow bugs in them.

Max’s cartoons are very varied. He loved to make fun of life. His work reflects his humour perfectly and once you spot the jokes and get on his wavelength, you will see more and more in every cartoon and see the genius in him. Even the adverts on the side of The Jungle Tour Bus has humour.

In most of his cartoons you will see all sorts of creatures lurking in the in bushes or among the trees. He loved to make them up and you will often see them repeated throughout his work. Insects and bugs with exclamations, is a firm favourite. He liked to wonder how they would see our world.

He created the “Burdz of Burdle”, which is a short illustrated storybook. The burdz were also put into all other walks of life and he found many ways to show them in humorous situations. Some of the cartoons are very detailed with so much going on it takes many views to see all the hidden jokes.

He also created a cartoon strip about a pirate named “Capt’n Jake”. This was many years ahead of its time and although originated over 50 years ago, is still very current when you read them today. There is also his abstract paintings and his sculptures, which are all available on his website. They all contribute to a lifetime of creativity.

Since resurrecting Max’s drawing and digitising them for his website, we found and cataloged many hundreds of lovely drawings. Many images were later coloured by his friend John Barry and printed, along with the rest of the set, for his exhibition in 2015.

Search for other cartoons by Max and enjoy his humour.